Saturday, January 25, 2020

Fun in Berlin

Berlin from atop the cathedral 

Aside from the great performances we went to in Berlin, we also had a lot of fun.  It seems like a theme of this trip is going to the top of buildings to overlook the cities, and that was no different in Berlin.  During our free time one day, MacKenzie, Jerdil, and I went to the Berlin Cathedral and were able to climb to the top.  Just as impressive as looking out at the city, was the view of the gorgeous cathedral from up near the ceiling.  A group of us also decided to go check out the Reichstag building, which houses the German federal parliament.  The attraction here is the huge glass dome in the center that you can walk up.  The goal of the glass dome is that it symbolizes the transparency of the German government, that the people can see what is really happening unlike previous times.
Inside the dome
We decided to change up our mode of transportation in Berlin and try renting the electric scooters that are everywhere on the streets.  While it was a little more money than just using the subway, it was a really fun way to get around while still seeing the city. 

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