Monday, January 20, 2020

It's Always an Adventure in Prague

Potatoes in a stick
If there’s one thing I learned while in Prague it is that every day in Prague is an adventure! On our third day in Prague we went to the Old Instrument Museum and the John Lennon wall as a class, then Liz, Jennica, and I split off and had quite the adventurous day. We decided that for lunch we wanted to try out some of the street food, so we headed into old town to find what we referred to as “potatoes on a stick”. Their real name we are not sure of, but after trying them we came to the conclusion that they were pretty much just potatoe chips, spun around a stick. After we finished lunch we wandered over to the market, then once again to the gelato place. While we were in the gelato place we looked up things to do, and found a church that looked pretty and that looked as though it was in a park. We hopped on the tram and headed there. 
Dvorak's grave
We pretty soon found that we were headed out of the main part of the city that we had spent the past few days in. We got to our stop and hopped out, only to head down into a tunnel under some train tracks. As soon as we walked into the tunnel a train came thundering above us. We all jumped, surprised by the deafening sound of the train going above us, and unsure of what we had just gotten ourselves into. We came out of the tunnel and were greeted by none other than a hill to hike up, another common theme of Prague. We walked up the hill and noticed that we were walking onto an old fort of some sort. There were old stone tunnels, fenced off raised areas, and old doors and windows in the hillside. As we wandered along we found a small church which had a sign outside it saying that it was built during the middle ages. We eventually made it to the church that we had come here to see, and as we walked up to it the church bells started ringing. 

Liz, Jennica, and I at the top of the fort
We stood in awe, looking up at the church for several minutes once we made it to the front of it. We went to go inside, then sadly found that it cost money, so instead we decided to wander around it outside. While walking through the graveyard we found a very special grave. We saw the name Dvorak on a grave and thought this can’t be him, what are the chances that we found a great composer’s grave by chance, so we immediately looked up the dates on the grave and confirmed that this was in fact Antonin Dvorak’s grave. We looked at the time and realized that our tram tickets would be expiring in about forty-five minutes, and we had no idea where we were or how long it would take to get back, so in a slight panic we decided we should start to figure out the way back. But instead we got distracted by the view from the top of the hill and stopped to take lots of pictures of the city. We eventually made it off the hill, headed back towards the tram station which we had arrived on, and found a dog sticking his head out a window. We went over to say hi and he were greeted by a happy, smiling dog. We stayed there, petting him and laughing, for several minutes. A tag on the window said “Ben” so we decided that that was the name we would remember him by, unsure of it that was his actual name or not. We made it to the tram and hopped on, hoping that no one would check our tram tickets on the way back to the hostel, as we weren’t sure we would make it back before they expired. Luckily we made it back in time and got ready to head to a concert, grateful for yet another adventurous day in Prague. 

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